Advantages and Disadvantages of Tiny Houses: Tiny Houses are small residential homes in the US. Tiny House Movement which is also known as the small house movement is becoming very popular in the US. Usually, a residential structure that is less than 400 sq. ft is considered a tiny house. In the US, the average size of the home of new single-family is 2,662 sq. ft in 2013. A movement regarding the tiny housing concept is trending which covers the concept of tiny homes and returns the houses less than 1,000 sq. ft. tiny houses are in a variety of shapes and styles.

Table of Contents
Advantages of Tiny Houses
People living in the tiny Houses told that living in tiny houses made their lives better in various ways. Following are some advantages of the tiny houses reported worldwide;
Lower Expenses
The expenses in the tiny life are lowered to a great extent. The cost to build a tiny house is much less than the a full-sized one. Also, the expenditures and needs of things reduce in living a tiny life.
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Low Energy Use
Tiny houses require very little energy for maintenance. Utility bills are much lower than in normal cases. Other forms of energy are also conserved that give benefit to society.
Tiny houses are very environment-friendly as they require less material for their construction and less energy to power. So, the damage to the environment is reduced. Also, another advantage is that tiny houses can be placed close to nature.
Simple Life
There is no extra stuff in the rooms of tiny houses. Only the needy items that truly enrich their lives are kept by the tiny house owners. Usually, they have a very simple life.
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Mobile and No Future Worries
The biggest benefit of the tiny home is that it can be moved to any place by simply hitching it to a truck. There is no worry about the future of people living in tiny houses.
Disadvantages of Tiny Houses
Tiny house living is not ideal in some cases. There are various drawbacks of homes that are less than 500 sq. ft. some of the disadvantages are listed below;
Less Space
There is very little space in the tiny houses. The rooms are small, and owners have to make live their life without luxuries. The most important issue regarding space is the privacy problem for bigger families. Also, the space for storage of belongings is very little. One can just store very important things only.
Limited Entertainment
In tiny houses, entertainment capability is greatly reduced. When any relative visits your house, there is no extra room to accommodate it. The collective gathering is reduced to tiny houses.
Zoning Rules
The rules of zoning sometimes include the dwelling, but the tiny houses are not big enough to cut. Also, many towns made it difficult to build tiny houses.
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The Trend in the US:
Tiny houses are trending in the US. There is a movement that promotes economic safe, financial credence, and an environment-friendly environment and shifts the mindsets of people towards tiny houses. Tremendous media coverage is given to the tiny houses and several television shows are hosted on the tiny houses. This promotes the concept of tiny houses among the people and they are moving toward tiny houses rather than traditional building techniques.
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